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Clean energy for EU islands


Aerial view of Holmön with coastline and houses

Island facts

Exact population
Exact density
Exact surface dimensions
Secretariat engagement

Holmön has electrical power supply by cables from the mainland. Holmön has no fuel supply station on the island. It is up to the inhabitants to transport fuel for own use from the mainland, either with the ferry or by own boat. We aim to establish a fuel supply station on the island that can serve both land vehicles and boats.

We have a simple compost facility, that might be able to convert and collect compost gas, which in turn can be used to run a generator to produce electricity as a complement to the cable. 

While solar panels are of interest, wind power is currently not considered. 

Please note the island of Holmön has applied jointly for the 30 for 2030 call with Hven | Clean energy for EU islands (, Vinön | Clean energy for EU islands ( and Visingsö | Clean energy for EU islands (