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Training programmes for Installers of RES installations (National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training)

Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

Law 5/2002


The National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training organises a framework with the professional qualifications needed for the production system that serves to elaborate training offers such as vocational training and certifications of professionals. Renewable energies are part of these training programs. For example, a qualification is offered to perform basic operations in the assembly and maintenance of RE installations, such as PV and small wind power installations.


Professionals who plan to develop specific professional skills and knowledge can get training and obtain official certifications.
There are many many institutions offering these courses, upon recognition by the government. Each course can have different durations. They can or cannot be offered on a regular basis. Some courses are free (subsidized by the government) some others have a cost.

Competent authority