Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
- Law 75-B/2020
- DL 73/2010
- DL 117/2010
Description of support scheme
This mechanism provides complete tax exemption for biofuels, produced from biomass and certified according to the standards set in DL 117/2010, towards energy purposes other than transportation – e.g., electricity generation, heating, and cooling. The exemption also applies to renewable gases (art. 90, paragraph 11 of DL 75-B/2020).
Biofuels produced from biomass, and whose energy purpose is not towards transportation, are eligible for full exemption from the tax on petroleum and energy products (art. 385 of DL 75-B/2020).
Natural and legal persons that own or trade the products taxable according to the laws here described (art. 4 of DL 73/2010).
The tax authority will inform on a monthly basis those who are subject to taxations (art. 11 DL 73/2010).
Competent authority
Directorate-General for Customs and Excise.