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Subsidy: Incentive Program for the Implementation or Improvement of Sustainable Features in Buildings

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    Order 8745/2020

  2. Description of support scheme

    The initiative “More Sustainable Buildings” (Edifícios Mais Sustentáveis), which is part of the Programme for Economic and Social Stabilisation (PEES), has been launched by the Portuguese government as a way to alleviate and absorb the economic impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The initiative envisages the dissemination and execution of small and easy-to-conclude renovations and constructions in buildings throughout the territory, making them more sustainable and in sync with the national targets for carbon neutrality and energy efficiency (as stated in Portugal’s NECP 2030).
    The work conducted through this initiative is financially supported by the Environmental Fund, whose chief aim is to back environmental policies focused on sustainable development.
    In terms of water heating and cooling systems, the initiative subsidises projects on installation of systems that use heat pumps, thermal energy, boilers propelled by biomass and electric boilers (art. 4 Order 8745/2020).
    Applications for the first phase of the programme must be submitted until 31st December 2021 via a form available on Environmental Fund’s website. According to the Fund, the second phase is being conceived. Regulations and participation criteria will become available on the Fund’s website as soon as the second phase is launched.

  3. Amount

    The amount the of subsidy for the installation of water heating and cooling systems can cover up to 70% of the cost of the project. Following cost limits apply:
    • for heat pumps and solar thermal equipment: up to a limit of EUR 2,500;
    • for high efficiency biomass boilers: up to a limit of EUR 1,500;
    • for electric boilers when attached to other systems that use renewable energies (heat pumps and solar panels, for instance): up to a limit of EUR 750 (art. 6.3 Order 8745/2020).

  4. Addressees

    Natural persons residing in single-family or multifamily buildings whose construction has been concluded until the end of 2006.

  5. Procedure

    Applications must be submitted until 31st December 2021 via a form available on Environmental Fund’s website. Candidates must also include documents attesting to the building’s and their own identification, as well as receipts listing the costs of the renovations.

  6. Competent authority

    • Ministry of Environment and Energy Transition
    • Environmental Fund
  7. Technologies



    Geothermal energy


    Solar Thermal
