Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
- DL 76/2019
- Ordinance 80/2020
Description of support scheme
Electricity producers from renewable energy resources are entitled to receive fixed prices for the energy they produce. This price may be either fixed or indexed according to a referential value – with or without minimum or maximum amounts (art. 4 of DL 76/2019).
Prices may differ depending on whether participants want to join tender procedures -
Auctioned volume
Installed capacity
Support type
Feed-in tariff
Electricity producers that fit into the renewables special regime (i.e. RES-E producers).
Plant developers wishing to participate in tenders can do so by checking the government’s portal on tenders for renewable resources.
Competent authority
- Energy Services Regulatory Authority (ERSE).
- Directorate-General of Energy and Geology (DGEG).