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Subsidy: Incentive System for the Production of Energy from Renewable Resources in the Azores Autonomous Region – PROENERGIA

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    • DLR 14/2019/A
    • Ordinance 73/2019
  2. Description of support scheme

    PROENERGIA is a subsidy-driven programme designed to maximise the production and utilisation of renewable energy by Azorean consumers. It does so by subsidising RES-E projects that aim to produce and store electricity from renewable resources (art. 2, paragraph 1, letter a DLR 14/2019/A). In order to be eligible to receive the financial incentive, projects must demand a minimum investment of EUR 500,00 (art. 4, letter a DLR 14/2019/A).
    Costs eligible for coverage:
    • Acquisition and assembly of equipment essential to the carry out the project; and
    • Adaptation of installations following security and environmental standards (art. 6, paragraph 1 DLR 14/2019/A).
    Applications can only be accepted by the Regional Directorate of Energy (DREn) within a 90-day period after the conclusion of the project (art. 9 DLR 14/2019/A).

  3. Amount

    The amount of the subsidies to be given for projects on production and storage of electricity from renewable resources can cover 25% percent of the eligible costs, up to a maximum of EUR 4,000 per establishment.
    Specific cases:
    Projects led by non-profit, charity institutions are eligible to receive a maximum fixed amount of EUR 20,000 (art.8, paragraph 5 DLR 14/2019/A).
    Projects located in the islands of Faial and Pico are eligible to receive an additional 5-percent increase in the percentage of covered costs, but with no alteration of the maximum fixed amount (art. 8, paragraph 6 DLR 14/2019/A).
    Projects located in the island of Santa Maria are eligible to receive an additional 10-percent increase in the percentage of covered costs, but with no alteration of the maximum fixed amount (art. 8, paragraph 7 DLR 14/2019/A).
    Projects located in areas covered by the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve – i.e., in the Corvo, Flores, Graciosa and São Jorge islands – are eligible for a 12-percent increase in the percentage of costs covered, but with no alteration in the maximum fixed amount (art. 8, paragraph 8 DLR 14/2019/A).
    Projects located in areas with no direct access to public transportation, nor to the energy distribution grid, or whose costs to fix the lack of access are equal or higher than EUR 12,000 have the percentage changed to 50%, but with no alteration of the fixed amount (art. 8, paragraph 9 DLR 14/2019/A).

  4. Addressees

    Micro, small and medium companies (encompassing single entrepreneurs, cooperatives, non-profit organisations, and condominiums) as well as individuals (art. 2, paragraph 2, letters a and b DLR 14/2019/A).

  5. Procedure

    Applications must be submitted, containing all documents listed in Ordinance 73/2019, to the Regional Directorate of Energy (DREn), via its online Portal, within 90 days after the conclusion of the project.
    DREn has 30 days to make a decision and to notify producers the amount that they’ll be given. The notification will be publicised via the Regional Official Gazette.
    In case producers appeal of the decision, DREn has 10 days to reassess the application (art. 9 and 10 DLR 14/2019/A).

  6. Competent authority  

    Azores Regional Directorate of Energy (DREn)

  7. Technologies

    Wind energy onshore
    Wind energy offshore
    Solar energy


    Geothermal energy


