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Regulatory informationRES-electricity

Premium tariff (Premium tariff for Cooperative Energy Generation)

Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

  • Regulation on Subsidy Scheme for Cooperative Energy Generation
  • Decree on opening the Cooperative Energy Generation Subsidy Scheme 2021

Description of support scheme

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate supports energy cooperatives and associations of owners generating electricity from solar energy, wind energy or hydropower through a premium tariff - Cooperative Energy Generation Subsidy Scheme
The scheme is open since 1 April 2021 until 1 December 2021. The scheme will be active until 1 April 2026 and there will be a new opening round every year.
The premium tariff will be paid to the beneficiaries for a period of 15 years.
Self-consumption of installations 'behind the meter' is not allowed for this type of production installation.


The amount of premium tariff per kWh is the difference between the base amount (decided annually) and the market price for energy.
The budget for the support scheme in 2021 is 92 million euros.


Energy cooperative and association of owners can benefit from the premium tariff. Following requirements have to be met:
Minimum number of members:
• one participating member per 5 kWp of power of PV installation;
• one participating member per 2 kW of power of wind energy installation;
• one participating member per 1 kW of power of hydropower installation.
The members (individuals or companies) and the installation must be resident or established within one postcode or in one of the adjacent postcode areas, according to the postcode map of the Netherlands.


The support is awarded on a first-come-first-served basis until the budget is exhausted.

Competent authority

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate


Wind energy onshore

Wind power installation with a capacity between 15 kW and 1000 kW

Wind energy offshore
Solar energy

PV installation with a peak capacity between 15 kWp and 500 kWp

Geothermal energy

Hydro-power plants with a capacity between 15 kW and 150 kW
