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Clean energy for EU islands

Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

S.L. 545.17

Description of support scheme

The substitution obligation on imports and wholesales of fossil fuels was introduced to promote the use of biofuels. The amendment obliges the licenced importers and wholesalers of petroleum products to place on the market a minimum amount of biofuel as a percentage of the total content of petrol and diesel that is imported or wholesaled (§ 33 (1) S.L. 545.17).

Amount of quota and period of application

Minimum biofuel content of the total petroleum placed on the market by an authorised petroleum importer and/or wholesaler (in %):
2011 – 1.5%
2012 – 2.5%
2013 – 3.5%
2014 – 4.5%
2015 – 5.5 %
2016 – 6.5%
2017 – 7.5%
2018 – 8.5 %
2019 – 9.5%
2020 – 10.0 % (Sixth schedule S.L. 545.17)
The Maltese government is planning to increase biofuel consumption, through the extension of the present substitution obligation on importers of road diesel and petrol. They will be required to further increase the share of biofuels in the fuel mix in the future (NECP, 42), However, no specific obligation for the years following 2020 is introduced yet.


Importers and/or wholesalers of petroleum (§ 33 (1) S.L. 545.17).


Importers must provide biofuel to the Maltese market for the means of transportation. The minimum required biofuel amount is calculated based on the methodology provided in the Sixth Schedule o S.L. 545.17. The released biofuel must follow the sustainability criteria set out in regulation 4 of the Biofuels (Sustainability Criteria) Regulations.
Before being released for consumption, the biofuels must be blended with regular fuels (petrol and diesel).
Energy content made by biofuels produced from feedstocks listed in Part H and Part I of the Schedule to the Biofuels (Sustainability Criteria) Regulations shall be considered to be twice that made by other biofuels.

Competent authority

Regulator for Energy and Water Services




Electric vehicle