Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
● S.L. 545.27
● L.N. 2/2019 -
Description of support scheme
A feed-in tariff is paid per kWh of electricity generated and exported to the grid by solar PV installations with a capacity of less than 400kWp, installed in residential or domestic premises, non-residential or institutional households (Art. 3 S.L. 545.27).
Electricity producers may choose between two options:
● Full export – Sell all the electricity produced by the PV installation.
● Partial Export – Consume the electricity produced by the PV installation first and export the amount of electricity produced in excess of consumption. -
Between 1 January and 31 December 2021, the following feed-in tariffs are applicable:
● € 0.15 per kWh of electricity generated and exported to the grid by a PV installation which did not benefit from any form of grant or subsidy and having an installed capacity of more than 1 kWp but less than 400 kWp (Item 3 of Second Schedule L.N. 61 of 2021).
● € 10ct /kWh of electricity generated and exported to the grid. This FiT is applicable for new PVs approved with a grant in 2021, provided that the grant on investment does not exceed 50% of eligible costs. (Item 4 of Second Schedule L.N. 61 of 2021)
The maximum electricity generated by PV installations allocated per annum for FiT payment is 12.8 GWh (8.0 MWp) for installations with a capacity between 1 kWp and 400 kWp. -
Eligible are operators of PV installations in both residential and non-residential sector. However, a tariff of € 10ct /kWh targets residential users only. (4th schedule S.L. 545.27).
The installer files a request to the Regulator for Energy and Water Services. Participation to the FiT scheme is determined on a first-come first-served basis (1st Schedule Art. 4 S.L. 545.27)
Competent authority
Regulator for Energy and Water Services