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Training program for Installers of RES installations

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    G.N. 1302
    Amendment to G.N. 1302 as of 27 January 2015

  2. Summary

    There is an active scheme for the Registration of Training Courses Leading to Certification of Renewable Energy Systems Installers and Providers of Energy Services. In order to provide training for RES installers, an application should be submitted to the REWS.

  3. Addressees

    Тhe Regulator for Energy and Water Services registers training courses leading to the certification of:
    ● installers of small-scale biomass boilers and stoves;
    ● installers of solar photovoltaic systems;
    ● installers of solar thermal systems;
    ● installers of shallow geothermal systems and heat pumps;
    ● energy auditors;
    ● energy managers;
    ● providers of energy services.

  4. Competent authority

    The Regulator for Energy and Water Services