Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
DM 02/03/2018
Description of support scheme
Producers of biofuels are assigned “Certificates of release for consumption" (‘Certificati di immissione in consumo’ or CIC). One CIC is assigned for each 10 Gigacalorie (Gcal) of conventional biofuels supplied and for each 5 Gcal of advanced biofuels (defined in Annex 3, and Art. 11.1, j, DM 02/03/2018). For each advanced CIC a fixed subsidy of €375 is set. Operators of advanced biomethane plants that build new connections to the natural gas distribution grid and operators building new biomethane liquefaction plants are eligible to a 20% increase on the subsidy. These incentives are valid for 10 years and the infrastructure and liquefaction incentives are capped at €600,000 and €1.2 million, respectively. (Art. 6.1, a, Art. 7.1 DM 02.03.2018).
Producers receive €375 for every Immission Certificates (‘Certificati di immissione in consumo’ or CIC) (Art. 6.1, a, Art. 7.1 DM 02.03.2018).
Producers of advanced biomethane and advanced biofuels other than biomethane (Art. 6, Art. 7, DM 02.03.2018).
Plant owners must send their request to the GSE within one year of the start of operations. Plant owners must fulfil some criteria concerning location, authorisation, production capacity and technology used. The GSE evaluates the demand and decides within 120 days.
If the producer is qualified, he must hand in supply agreements between the producer and the obliged entity and a monthly biomethane production report (Art. 9, DM 02.03.2018). -
Competent authority