Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
- L 239/04
- DL 387/03
- DM 06/07/12
- AEEG 34/05
- AEEG 280/07
- ARG/elt 199/11
- DM 24/12/2014
Description of support scheme
The Ritiro dedicato is a simplified purchase/resale arrangement. It cannot be combined with the net-metering scheme “Scambio sul Posto”.
Specified types of Renewable Energy producers can request a preemptively calculated and administered price for electricity that is produced and fed into the grid (Ritiro dedicato). The aim is to guarantee a minimum profit, regardless of short-term market trends (Art. 13, par. 3 and 4 L 387/03 and par.41 L 239/04).
Renewable Energy producers can either sell electricity on the free market or sell it to GSE, (a publicly owned joint-stock company) who then sells the energy on the free market on their behalf (“Ritiro Dedicato”). Thus, GSE can be considered a mediator between producers and the market. Producers can decide whether they want to receive a guaranteed minimum price or the market price. The guaranteed minimum prices are correlated to the management costs of the electricity production plants and, as such, are calculated and updated each year according to the formulas set in Art. 7.6, Annex A, AEEG 280/07. If the market price surpasses the guaranteed minimum price, the producer receives an annual adjustment (Art.15.4, Annex A, AEEG 280/07).
Producers up to the following capacities may choose the guaranteed minimum price determined by the energy authority (Art. 7, Annex A, AEEG 280/07 in connection with Art. 4 AEEG 34/05):
• 100 kW for PV, if they make use of other support schemes
• 500 kW for hydro, if they make use of other support schemes
• 1 MW for all other sources mentioned in the decree if they do or do not make use of other support schemes
The guaranteed minimum prices for 2021 are made available by the public entity,ARERA (Regulatory Authority for Energy, Grids and Environment). -
The amount of payment decreases with increasing output and are adjusted for inflation (Art. 7.5, Annex A, AEEG 280/07). The formulas for calculating the exact guaranteed minimum price for all technologies are available in Art. 7 and 6, AEEG 280/07.
All eligible operators of plants that generate electricity from eligible renewable energy sources (Art. 13, c. 3,4 DL 387/03 and Art. 1 par. 41 L 239/04).
A given producer shall apply within 60 days from commissioning and conclude a contract, which may be renewed annually with GSE. Payment starts on a date agreed by the parties, provided that the plant is deemed admissible by GSE in the verification process (Arts. 3 and 14, Annex A, AEEG 280/07 and R 231/2021). A contract will be granted only when GSE verifies that all necessary eligibility requirements are fulfilled (Art. 14 par. 3, Annex A, AEEG 280/07).
Competent authority