Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
- D 2009/28/EC
- DL 28/11
All new buildings and buildings undergoing major refurbishment must integrate renewable energies (Art. 11, c. 1 DL 28/11)
RES-H installation must cover 50% of the foreseen consumption of warm sanitary water, and the following percentages of the cumulative foreseen consumption of warm sanitary water, heating and cooling:
- 20 % if the request of the relevant building permit occurred between 31/05/2012 and 31/12/2013
- 35 % if the request of the relevant building permit occurred between 01/01/2014 and 31/12/2017;
- 50 % if the request of the relevant building permit occurred after 01/01/2018 (Art. 1, Annex 3, DL 28/11)
Regions can increase these obligations through a regional law (Art. 11, c. 1, DL 28/11). -
Obligated entities
All new buildings and buildings undergoing major refurbishment. This obligation does not apply to certain buildings with historical value (Art. 11, c. 2 DL 28/11) nor to buildings connected to district heating networks that cover their entire need for heating and warm sanitary water (Art. 5, Annex 3, DL 28/11)
Competent authority
National directives implemented by regional authority