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Clean energy for EU islands
  • Regulatory information
  • Community Energy Framework


  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    • LD 162/19
    • 318/2020 / R / eel
    • MD 16/09/2020
  2. Summary

    A prosumer is defined as an end-user who produces renewable electricity for its own consumption at a private site located within defined boundaries and can store or sell self-produced renewable electricity. While electricity can be shared within a family unit, the activities should not constitute main commercial or professional activity for the prosumer. Subjects produce energy with systems powered by renewables with a total power production not exceeding 200 kW.

  3. Addressees

    Natural person who produces renewable electricity for its own consumption at a private site.

  4. Requirements and conditions  

    Energy production should not constitute as commercial or professional activity, but should instead aim at meeting personal electricity demand. Production capacity should not exceed 200kW.

  5. Tariff structure

    Tariffs for prosumers for the next 20 years are defined as follows;
    • a single fee, identified as the sum of the transmission tariff for low voltage users and the higher value of the variable component of the distribution tariff for other low voltage users.

  6. Geographical limitations

    Electricity production must occur on a private site. No geographical limitation is specified in the legal source.

  7. Financial support

    In addition to a discounted tariff structure, energy sharing qualifies both for Net-Metering (scambio sul posto) and the Tax regulation mechanism (Superbonus 110%).

  8. Type of energy sharing

    • Prosumers: Relevant