Island facts
The Aeolian Archipelago is in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea. It comprises seven islands, six under the Municipality of Lipari (Lipari itself, Vulcano, Panarea, Stromboli, Alicudi and Filicudi). The differences between the islands and the distance between them and from the mainland determine a mosaic of issues: complexity in energy supply, high costs and fossil-based transports. The whole archipelago is non-interconnected between the mainland and among him. The management of the electric grid and the energy production are handled by private actors (S.E.L. srl in Lipari) and ENEL S.p.A. in the other islands that own the diesel oil-fired power plants.
Despite a high commitment from the citizens, the current RES penetration is lower than 1%. The 30 for 2023 call will enable Lipari and the islands under his administration hat to increase the deployed RES capacity up to 100%, acting on the electricity generation (i.e. traditional RES and Biofuels), exploring new strategies (i.e. geothermal power), increasing the awareness of the local fabric promoting responsible and shared behaviours (i.e. REC).
Organisations involved in the energy transition:
Comune di Lipari - http://www.comunelipari.it/, S.E.L. – Società Elettrica Liparese - http://www.selenergia.it/, Associazione Isole Sostenibili - www.isolesostenibili.eu, Associazione Tecnici Eoliani, Federalberghi delle Isole Eolie - http://www.isoleeolie.federalberghi.it, Politecnico di Torino, MOREnergy Lab - www.polito.it / http://www.morenergylab.polito.it/, ATHANOR GEOTECH Srls - https://new.athanor-geotech.com/, Assessorato dell’Energia e dei servizi di Pubblica Utilità della Regione Siciliana – Dipartimento Energia - link
Under the 30 for 2030 call the following activities are planned:
Repowering and Hybridisation of the PV Plant in Monte Sant’Angelo
This involves an analysis of the available solar and wind resources and the development of a multi-year data model. The current status of the PV plant and the legal framework for repowering are evaluated. Alternatives for delivering the produced electricity, such as power injection into the local grid or supplying power to the desalination plant, are examined with a techno-economic optimization of a hybrid solar, wind, and battery plant. A long-term yield assessment and cost estimation are conducted. A feasibility study is performed for the repowering and hybridisation of the PV plant with wind production and storage.
Technical Advice for the Repowering and Hybridisation of the PV Plant in Monte Sant’Angelo
This involves providing technical advice during various project phases including authorisation, connection, and tendering/procurement.
Pre-feasibility Study for a Biomass Plant
A pre-feasibility study and analysis of alternatives for a biomass energy plant in Lipari, supplied with the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) from the Aeolian Islands. The study includes preliminary sizing, cost estimation of the plant, and assessment of the costs and emissions associated with transport.
Assessment of the Sustainability of Biodiesel Power Generation and Transport
Development of a tool (calculation sheet) to support the sustainability assessment of biodiesel power generation in high-RES insular power systems and transport. This includes an estimation of the emissions associated with biodiesel power generation in Lipari and Salina.
Please note that the island of Lipari has jointly applied for the 30 for 2030 call with Salina | Clean energy for EU islands (europa.eu).