Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
- BOS 2010
- NORA 2007
Description of support scheme
Biofuels Obligation Scheme is a quota scheme introduced in 2010. Under the obligation scheme fuel suppliers are obliged to include a certain percentage of biofuels in their annual fuel sales.
Amount of quota and period of application
The fuel suppliers should ensure that biofuels make up at least 12.359% by volume of the company’s total annual fuel sales (section 44C3b NORA 2007).
Fuel suppliers.
NORA opens an account ('biofuel obligation account') to each obliged party (section 44E (1) BOS) to manage the issuance, transference and cancellation of biofuels certificates. Each litre of biofuel receives a certificate, which are tradable (section 44H(1) BOS). By the end of each calendar year, fuel suppliers have to ensure that they have enough certificates to comply with their biofuel obligation (section 44I BOS).
Competent authority