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  • Electricity support

Tenders / Auctions (RESS 1)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    RESS 1 2020

  2. Description of support scheme

    In December 2019 Ireland introduced its first RES tender, the Renewable Energy Support Scheme (RESS). The tender took place in July 2020. There were three distinct categories. A technology neutral (“all projects”) category, a “solar preference” category (only for PV) and the “Community Preference Category”, which will provide support on community- led projects. In order to be qualified in the “Community Preference Category”, community-led projects should be owned and managed by a Renewable Energy Community (by at least 51%) and sign a “Declaration of Community-Led Project”. Further auctions are expected in the following three years.
    For each category a Representative Maximum Quantity (RMaxp) is defined, which is total production of all supported projects per tender.

  3. Auctioned volume

    “Community preference category”- Representative Maximum Quantity (RMaxp) 30GWh
    “Solar preference category”- RMaxp 300GWh
    “All projects category”- Representative Minimum Quantity (RMin) 1,000 GWh- RMaxp 3,000GWh (6.3.3. RESS 1 2020).

  4. Support type

    Sliding feed-in premium (also called Contracts for Difference – CfD)
    The level of support is calculated on an hourly basis. More specifically, the support will be calculated with respect to deemed energy revenues based on the Loss-Adjusted Metered Quantity, i.e., the metered quantity that takes into consideration grid losses of the RESS 1 Project applied to the Strike Price, i.e., the successful bid price and the Loss-Adjusted Metered Quantity of the RESS 1 Project applied to the Market Reference Price, i.e. the price defined in the electricity market daily (5.2.5 RESS 1 2020).
    In general, Eirgrid will be responsible for disbursing or collecting the net difference between the aggregate of Support Payments and Difference Payments over the relevant Public Service Obligation (PSO) Levy Year (annual reconciliation- 5.26. RESS 1 2020). PSO levy is charged to all electricity customers in Ireland and through the levy RES Projects are financed in the Republic of Ireland.

  5. Addressees

    RES plant developers and community-led projects (ch. 6.4 RESS 1 2020).

  6. Procedure

    Firstly, the Auctioning Starting Capacity (ASC) for each category, based on the Total Energy Available (TEAp), “Final Competition Ratios” and the RMaxp is defined (ch. 6.7.5 RESS 1 2020). Interested applicants submit their offer. Winners are selected from the list of eligible offers sorted from lowest Deemed Offer Price to highest Deemed Offer Price. This process will start with the Community Preference Category, the Solar Preference Category follows, and finally the auction concludes with All Projects Preference Category. If RMaxp is reached no further offers will be accepted (ch.6.7.6 RESS 1 2020).

  7. Competent authority

    • CRU
    • Eirgrid
  8. Technologies

    Wind energy onshore

    “Community preference category” 0.5 MW- 5 MW
    “All projects category” 0.5 MW- equivalent of 60 GWh (Ch.6.4.10 RESS 1 2020).

    Wind energy offshore
    Solar energy

    “Solar preference category” 0.5 MW-125 MW
    “Community preference category” 0.5 MW- 5 MW
    (Ch.6.4.10 RESS 1 2020).

    Geothermal energy