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Clean energy for EU islands

Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

TAC 1997

Description of support scheme

ACA is a tax-relief scheme that promotes the purchase of energy efficient equipment by enterprises located in the Republic of Ireland. More specifically, companies can depreciate 100% of the purchase value of certain energy efficient equipment against their profit in the year of purchase. Under this scheme also purchasing wind energy and photovoltaics plants is eligible.


Under the ACA, enterprises can claim the entire allowance (100% of the purchase value of specified energy efficient equipment) in the first year, instead of claiming for the standard “wear and tear” allowance (provided at an annual rate of 12.5% of the capital expenditure over an 8-year period) (section 285A (2) TCA 1997). Minimum expenditure to qualify for the ACA is defined at € 1,000 for heating and electricity provision.


Enterprises paying corporation tax in Ireland are eligible for support.


Firstly, interested applicants should inquire whether the equipment is eligible for support. Eligible equipment is listed in the Triple E Products Register at the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland ( If included, the equipment is purchased and claims the ACA on their tax return of income (form CT1) along with other wear and tear allowances for plant and machinery (section 285A (2) TCA 1997).

Competent authority

  • Irish Revenue Commissioners
  • SEAI


Wind energy onshore


Wind energy offshore
Solar energy


Geothermal energy