Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
Solar PV Scheme
Description of support scheme
SEAI provides grants for the purchase and installation of roof-mounted PV. Battery storage is also eligible for support.
The 2kWp of PV systems are subsidized (EUR 900 per kWp). If the roof-mounted PV is combined with battery storage then an additional grant for further 2kWp is offered (EUR 300 per kWp). Consequently, the maximum level of support reaches EUR 2,400 (ch. 2 Solar PV Scheme).
Αll homeowners of dwellings built and occupied before 1 January 2011 (ch.4 Solar PV Scheme).
Interested applicants should contract a registered SEAI PV company. The company submits an application to SEAI for grant offer. If successful, the company proceeds with the realization of works (purchase, installation and connection to the grid). A post- Building Energy Rating inspection is carried out. All necessary documents are submitted to SEAI. SEAI proceeds with the payment of the support to the interested applicant (ch.7 Solar PV Scheme).
Competent authority