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  • Electricity support

Net-Metering / Net-Billing (Net-metering and virtual net-metering)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    • Min. Decision 15084/382
    • Min. Decision 74462/2976
    • Law No. 3468/2006
  2. Description of support scheme

    Since 2014, a net metering system for autonomous producers was introduced in Greece for the first time. The current net metering process is described in Min. Decision 15084/382. Furthermore, “virtual net metering” was also introduced. “Virtual net-metering” is available for city/regional councils, schools, universities, farmers, farming associations and Energy Communities. Under this scheme, the eligible institutions will be allowed to operate RES plants, if installations are located in the same Administrative Region.
    The net-metering process is similar within mainland grid, on interconnected and non-interconnected islands. Different restrictions apply with regard to the maximum capacity of each plant, as well as the maximum cumulative capacity on each non-interconnected island.

  3. Amount

    The electricity produced by a RES plant is offset with self-consumed energy. Any surplus electricity is fed into the grid without any obligation for remuneration (art. 14A par. 4 Law No. 3468/2006).

  4. Addressees

    In general, all natural and legal persons can apply for net-metering. In addition, non-profit legal entities such as city/regional councils, schools, universities, farmers, farming associations can profit from more favorable conditions. Min. Decision 15084/38 has also introduced Energy Communities as a special category that could participate in the support scheme (art.3 Min. Decision 15084/382).

  5. Procedure

    Net metering process follows a three-year cycle. In general, each time the electricity retailer issues an electricity bill, the electricity fed into grid and the electricity consumed is measured. If the difference is positive, i.e., more electricity is produced and fed into the grid than consumed, this surplus is credited to the next electricity bill. However, any surpluses after the end of the three-year cycle will not be disbursed by the electricity retailer to the autonomous producer and will be annulled. If the difference is negative, i.e., more electricity was consumed than produced, and then the plant/ installation operator is obliged to pay the difference (art.5 Min. Decision 15084/382). Special cases are described in detail in art.5 Min. Decision 15084/382.

  6. Competent authority

    • HEDNO
  7. Technologies

    Wind energy onshore

    Only small wind onshore plants with capacity below and equal 60kW (Min. Decision 74462/2976).

    Wind energy offshore
    Solar energy


    Geothermal energy




