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Clean energy for EU islands
  • Regulatory information
  • Electricity support

Feed-In Tariff

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    • Law No. 4414/2016
    • Min. Decision 30971/1190
  2. Description of support scheme

    RES plants below 400 kW on interconnected island (below 3MW for onshore wind and below 500 kW for PV) and all RES on non-interconnected islands are eligible for a feed-in tariff, (called “Operating support based on a fixed compensation price”).

  3. Amount

    The amount for each technology varies and is identical with the Reference Price defined in the Operating Support Contract (art. 3 par. 1 Law No. 4414/2016).
    The Reference Prices are defined separately for each RES technology (Min. Decision 30971/1190):
    • Wind power plants with capacity below and equal 60kW: EUR 157/ MWh
    • Wind power plants with capacity between 60kW and 3 MW: EUR 72/ MWh,
    • PV plants with capacity below and equal 500kW: EUR 63/ MWh
    • CSP plants with no storage: EUR 248/ MWh
    • Geothermal plants with capacity below and equal 5 MW: EUR 134/ MWh,
    • Geothermal plants with capacity above 5MW: EUR 104/ MWh,
    • Biogas plants with capacity below and equal 1 MW: EUR 219/ MWh
    • Biogas plants with capacity between 1 MW and 3 MW: EUR 209/ MWh,
    • Biogas plants with capacity above 3 MW: EUR 192/ MWh
    • Hydropower plants with capacity below and equal 3MW: EUR 90/ MWh,
    • Hydropower plants with capacity between 3MW and 15MW: EUR 87/ MWh,
    • Biomass plants with capacity below and equal 1 MW: EUR 176/ MWh,
    • Biomass plants with capacity between 1 MW and 5MW: EUR 153/ MWh,
    • Biomass plants with capacity above 3MW: EUR 133/ MWh,

  4. Addressees

    Every plant operator with a plant below 400kW on mainland grid and interconnected islands and every RES plant operator on non-interconnected islands is eligible for support.

  5. Procedure

    RES or CHP plant operator concludes an Operating Support Contract (Feed-In Tariff) with the DAPEEP (RES and Guarantees of Origin Regulator) (art. 8 and art 10 Law No. 4414/2016). The amount of Feed-In Tariff is calculated monthly, based on the Reference Price stipulated in the Operating Support Contract (art. 3 par.1 Law No.4414/2016). Finally, DAPEEP pays the amount of support.

  6. Competent authority

    • DAPEEP
    • HEDNO
  7. Technologies

    Wind energy onshore

    RES plants located on interconnected islands with capacity below 3MW (art.3 par. 5 Law No.4414/2016) and all RES on non-interconnected islands (art.8 Law No.4414/2016) are eligible.

    Wind energy offshore
    Solar energy

    RES plants located on interconnected islands with capacity below 500kW (art.3 par. 5 Law No.4414/2016) and all RES on non-interconnected islands (art.8 Law No.4414/2016) are eligible.

    Geothermal energy

    RES plants located on interconnected islands with capacity below 400kW (art.3 par. 5 Law No.4414/2016) and all RES on non-interconnected islands (art.8 Law No.4414/2016) are eligible.


    RES plants located on interconnected islands with capacity below 400kW (art.3 par. 5 Law No.4414/2016) and all RES on non-interconnected islands (art.8 Law No.4414/2016) are eligible.


    RES plants located on interconnected islands with capacity below 400kW (art.3 par. 5 Law No.4414/2016) and all RES on non-interconnected islands (art.8 Law No.4414/2016) are eligible.


    RES plants located on interconnected islands with capacity below 400kW (art.3 par. 5 Law No.4414/2016) and all RES on non-interconnected islands (art.8 Law No.4414/2016) are eligible.