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Clean energy for EU islands
  • Regulatory information
  • Electricity support

Feed-In Premium

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    • Law No. 4414/2016
    • Min. Decision 30971/1190
  2. Description of support scheme

    From 2016 onwards, RES and CHP plants on mainland grid and interconnected islands, participating in the electricity market may be awarded with a sliding feed-in premium (called “Operating support based on a differential compensation price”).

  3. Amount

    The level of support varies. More specifically, it is calculated as the difference between the Special Market Price for each renewable technology and the Reference Price defined in the Operating Support Contract (art. 3 par. 1 Law No. 4414/2016).
    Special Market Price is defined for Wind, small hydro as the monthly weighted average price of each respective technology, based on the Marginal Average System Price (further factors might be taken into account). For other RES i.e., biomass, biogas, concentrated solar power (CSP), geothermal, CHP the Special Market Price is defined by the monthly average of the Marginal Average System Price (art. 6 Law No. 4414/2016). According to the RES and Guarantees of Origin Regulator (DAPEEP), for March 2021, the Special Market Price for specific technologies is the following: Wind: EUR 55.54/ MWh, Hydro: EUR 57.77/ MWh, Biomass: EUR 59.04/ MWh.
    The Reference Prices are defined separately for each RES technology (Min. Decision 30971/1190):
    • Wind power plants with capacity between above 3 MW: EUR 60/ MWh,
    • CSP plants with no storage: EUR 248/ MWh
    • Geothermal plants with capacity below and equal 5 MW: EUR 134/ MWh,
    • Geothermal plants with capacity above 5 MW EUR 104/ MWh,
    • Biogas plants with capacity below and equal 1MW: EUR 219/ MWh,
    • Biogas plants with capacity between 1 MW and 3MW: EUR 209/ MWh,
    • Biogas plants with capacity above 3MW: EUR 192/ MWh,
    • Hydropower plants with capacity below and equal 3MW: EUR 90/ MWh,
    • Hydropower plants with capacity between 3 MW and 15MW: EUR 87/ MWh,
    • Biomass plants with capacity below and equal 1MW: EUR 176/ MWh,
    • Biomass plants with capacity between 1 MW and 5MW: EUR 153/ MWh,
    • Biomass plants with capacity above 3MW: EUR 133/ MWh,

  4. Addressees

    Every plant operator with a plant above 400kW is eligible for support, apart from PV.

  5. Procedure

    RES or CHP plant operator concludes an Operating Support Contract (Feed-In Premium Tariff) with the DAPEEP (RES and Guarantees of Origin Regulator) (art. 9 and art 10 Law No. 4414/2016). Then, the plant operator is registered and participates in the electricity market (art. 5 Law No. 4414/2016). The amount of Feed-In Premium is calculated monthly as the difference between the Special Market Price for each technology and the Reference Price stipulated in the Operating Support Contract (art. 3 par.1 Law No.4414/2016). Additionally, the plant operator receives the revenues from its participation in the electricity market. Finally, DAPEEP (RES and Guarantees of Origin Regulator) pays off the amount of support.

  6. Competent authority

    • DAPEEP
  7. Technologies

    Wind energy onshore

    Eligible for plants with capacity above 3 MW located on interconnected islands (art.3 par. 5 Law No.4414/2016).

    Wind energy offshore
    Solar energy

    Only CSP plants with capacity above 400kW located on interconnected islands are eligible. PV plants are not eligible (art.3 par. 5 Law No.4414/2016).

    Geothermal energy

    Eligible for plants with capacity above 400kW located on interconnected islands (art.3 par. 5 Law No.4414/2016).


    Eligible for plants with capacity above 400kW located on interconnected islands (art.3 par. 5 Law No.4414/2016).


    Eligible for plants with capacity between 400kW and 15 MW located on interconnected islands (art.3 par. 5 Law No.4414/2016).


    Eligible for plants with capacity above 400kW located on interconnected islands (art.3 par. 5 Law No.4414/2016).