Abbreviated form of legal source
- Law No. 3468/2006
Description of the process
Further two licenses are included in the RES permitting process.
• The installation license is a checklist on aspects of spatial planning, land use rights, project commissioning and environmental compliance. The BGCO and the IEA approval are prerequisites. After its issue, the project developer is permitted to construct the RES installation. It is valid for 2 years and can be extended twice under certain conditions (art. 8 par. 10 Law No. 3468/2006).
• The operation license is the final license for the RES and is issued by the Decentralised Regional Administration (for Categories A2 and B projects) and MEE (Category A1 projects) after the construction and successful start of the power plant.
In addition, the Centre of RES and Energy Saving is responsible for carrying out measurements to monitor the performance of RES installation (art. 8 Law No. 3468/2006). -
Competent authority
- Decentralised Regional Administrations