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Biofuel/Emission reduction quota

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    • BImSchG 2021
    • BiomasseV 2001
    • 36. BImSchV
  2. Description of support scheme

    The biofuel quota has been replaced by a greenhouse gas quota. Companies placing gasoline or diesel on the market must ensure an emission reduction of 6 % from the reference value. Upstream emission reductions and emissions savings from electricity that is used to power road vehicles are also eligible to be counted for the quota (§ 37a, par. 4 BImSchG 2021).

  3. Amount of quota and period of application

    6 % emission reduction compared to conventional fuels.

  4. Addressees

    Juridical or natural persons that place at least 5,000 liters of fossil diesel or petrol per year on the market are obliged to fulfill the quota. (§7, 36. BImSchV))

  5. Procedure

    Obliged companies must submit a report on the fuels brought onto the market by 15th of April of each year. It should include the total amount of each fuel and energy product with a reference to the origin and the greenhouse gas emissions per energy unit. Further details can be found on this website:

  6. Competent authority

    The German Customs Authority (Hauptzollamt Frankfurt/Oder, Fachgebiet Biokraftstoffe)

  7. Technologies


    Biofuels are produced from biomass and defined in §2 (BiomasseV 2001). For the “quota”, they include biodiesel, bioethanol, plant oils, and methane (BImSchG 2021, para. 37b). Further details on the technological requirements can be found here:…

    Electric vehicle