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Clean energy for EU islands

Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

  • EEG 2021
  • WindSeeG 2020

Description of support scheme

In contrast to the classic market premium, the sliding market premium provide subsidies through an auction procedure. The total tendered subsidies electricity providers can apply for are defined for each year and renewable energy source in the §28 EEG 2021. Winning bids are selected based on price. In case of identical price bids, the smaller project with lower capacity is ranked first. Should price and capacity be identical, the ranking is decided by lot (§33 EEG 2020). The exact amount of the subsidy per kWh is calculated through the difference of a given value defined in the tendering procedure and the monthly market value of electricity (Annex 1 EEG 2021).
A plant operator benefiting from the market premium cannot use the electricity for self-supply and must sell it directly to a third party or a stock market (§ 20 par. 1 EEG 2021).
Applications through the tendering procedure are possible several times a year. Foreseen deadlines are the 1st of August, September, November, and December.
Energy communities can benefit from simplification of the tendering procedures for onshore wind turbines.

Auctioned volume

Installed capacity

Support type

Sliding feed-in premium (also called Contracts for Difference – CfD)


Plant operators (§ 3 par. 2 EEG 2021).
The requirements for energy communities are that:
• at least 10 natural persons are involved as voting members or voting shareholders,
• at least 51% of the voting rights are held by natural persons who for at least one year prior to the submission of the bid, have their primary residence in the district in which the wind turbines are to be erected, and
• no single member or shareholder holds more than 10 % of the voting rights (§ 3 par. 15 EEG 2017).
If an energy community consists of legal entities, each of these entities must fulfil these requirements.


Plant operators can apply via the website of the Federal Grid Agency for an auction. The given value and the entitled projects for the market premium are defined through the tendering procedure (§ 22 EEG 2021). Power plant operators can then apply for receiving the payment from the grid operators (§ 20 EEG 2021).
The simplification of the tender procedure for energy communities includes among others:
• exemption in permitting requirements for erecting wind turbines;
• the award amount for the bid is the highest bid value awarded in each round
• more flexibility when it comes to the site of erecting the turbines
• the deadline to finalise the construction is prolonged by 24 months.

Competent authority

The Federal Grid Agency executes and oversees the tendering procedure (§ 22 EEG 2021). The Federal Government evaluates the implementation (§ 99 EEG 2021). Regional Governments are entitled to monitor the implementation (§ 98 EEG 2021).


Wind energy onshore

Providers of wind power plants that are already receiving the premium can apply for supplementary bids if they upgrade the capacity of their plants by more than 15 % (§ 36j EEG 2021).
Energy communities can participate in the tendering for wind onshore with a bid comprising of maximum six wind turbines with a total installed capacity of no more than 18 MW.

Wind energy offshore

Providers of wind power plants that are already receiving the premium can apply for supplementary bids if they upgrade the capacity of their plants by more than 15 % (§ 36j EEG 2021).

Solar energy

Solar power plants of the 1st segment (on open areas) must not exceed a capacity of 20 MW, must not be built on nature protection areas or national parks and are only eligible for the premium if they comply with the territorial laws ($$ 37 and 38a EEG 2021).
Solar power plants of the 2nd segment (on buildings and noise barriers) can already apply with a capacity of 300 kW (§ 22 par. 6 EEG 2021), the minimum amount of a bid is 100 kW (§ 30 par. 2 EEG 2021).

Geothermal energy



Biomass is defined in the biomass directive (BiomasseV 2001). For Biomass plants the minimum capacity is 150kW. For biomass plants that are already in use no minimum capacity is defined (§ 30 par. 2 and § 39g EEG 2021). Biomass plants must fulfill the requirements of a highly efficient heat and power cogeneration, except if they can prove that it would not be economically feasible (§ 39 par. 3 EEG 2021). Biomass plants are not eligible if exceeding a capacity of more than 20 MW (§ 39 par. 4 EEG 2021).