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Clean energy for EU islands

Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

EEG 2021

Description of support scheme

Operators of biogas plants with capacity above 100 kW that benefit from the feed-in tariff or a market premium are eligible to the flexibility surcharge. The flexibility surcharge is an investment incentive for the construction of flexible power plant capacity that enables demand-oriented electricity production. The surcharge amounts to 65 euros per kilowatt installed capacity per year (§ 50a EEG 2021).


The surcharge amounts to 65 euros per kilowatt installed capacity and year and is paid for the provision of flexible installed capacity (§ 50a EEG 2021)


Operators of eligible biogas plants are eligible for the flexibility surcharge.


No procedure is defined by law.

Competent authority  

The competent authority is the BMWi


Wind energy onshore
Wind energy offshore
Solar energy
Geothermal energy

Biogas plants with capacity above 100 kW are eligible.
Biogas is defined as any gas obtained through anaerobic fermentation (§§ 3 and 19 EEG 2021). Biogas plant operators producing electricity from landfill waste and sewage must fulfill the requirements of a highly efficient heat and power cogeneration (§ 44b EEG 2021).
