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Clean energy for EU islands

Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

KfW Offensive for Small and Medium Enterprises

Description of support scheme

KfW supports small and medium enterprises for projects reducing, preventing, or capturing greenhouse gases with a combination of subsidies and low-interest loans. Installing plants for electricity generation using renewable energy sources is also eligible.


Up to EUR 25 million per project. The yearly interest rate is at 1.03 %. Additionally, a Climate Subsidy of up to 6% can be granted.


The yearly maximum revenue of applicants must not exceed EUR 500 million. Applicants can be private companies, companies in public property or companies owned by individuals. The amount can also be granted for initiatives in other EU Member States to German Companies.


Companies can prepare the application via an online tool on the website. Then, they must find a financing partner. The bank administers the KFW loan. Further information can be found on this website:örderprodukte/Klimaschutzoffensive-für-den-Mittelstand-(293)/#detail-3-target.

Competent authority

KfW loans are administered and disbursed by regular banks.


Wind energy onshore


Wind energy offshore


Solar energy


Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy: maximum 100 g CO2 per kWh installed capacity.


Biogas: Methan-leaks must be evaluated through a monitor plan, Residues reused as fertiliser and at least 70 % of the fermented biomass is organic wate.


Hydro-power with a power density of up to 5W per m².


Biomass: 80 % reduction of greenhouse gas emissions compared to a similar fossil powered plant.