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Clean energy for EU islands

Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

  • EEG 2021
  • BiomasseV 2001

Description of support scheme

In Germany, electricity producers can benefit from the feed in tariff for the electricity generated from renewable sources with a capacity of up to 100 kW for a period of 20 years. Moreover, also electricity producers with larger plants can in exceptional cases request the feed-in tariff for at most 3 consecutive and in total 6 months per calendar year. No justification is needed but the tariff will be reduced by 20 % (Ausfallvergütung). Also, energy producers with plants older than 20 years, where the subsidies have phased out can be eligible for the feed-in tariff (§ 21, par. 1 EEG 2021).
Energy producers benefiting from the feed-in tariff are obliged to feed the produced electricity into the grid and provide it to the grid operator if it is not consumed in direct proximity of the site. They are also prohibited to participate on the energy market with the subsidized power plant. (§ 21, par. 2 EEG 2021) Energy producers are eligible for the feed-in tariff if the energy is stored before being fed into the net. (§ 19 par. 3 EEG 2021)


The tariff level of the feed-in tariff is defined by law and depends on the type of renewable energy source. It is calculated per kWh of electricity fed into the net.
Wind energy onshore (§ 46 EEG 2021): The amount is calculated from the average highest bids from the tendering procedure from two years earlier. A site coefficient is also considered (§ 36h EEG 2021). From this value, EUR ct. 0.4 per kWh must be subtracted (§ 53 EEG 2021).
Solar energy:
• For installations on buildings:
o capacity of up to 10 kW: EUR ct. 8.56 per kWh,
o capacity of up to 40 kW: EUR ct. 8.33 per kWh and
o capacity of up to 750 kW: EUR ct. 6.22 per kWh.
• For installations on other surfaces EUR ct. 6.01 per kWh ($ 48 EEG 2021).
• For installations with a capacity between 300 and 750 kW, the amount is only granted for 50 % of the produced energy.
• The feed-in tariff is decreased by 0.4 % every month. The reduction can be adjusted (§ 49 EEG 2021). From the final value, EUR ct. 0.4 per kWh must be subtracted (§ 53 EEG 2021).
Geothermal energy (§ 45 EEG 2021): EUR ct. 25.2 per kWh – decreasing by 0.5 percent annually. If the total installed capacity for energy production from geothermal sources exceeds 120 MW by 15 December, the following year the amount of the feed-in tariff will decrease by 2 percent. From the final value, EUR ct. 0.2 per kWh must be subtracted (§ 53 EEG 2021).
Biogas (§§ 41,43 and 44 EEG 2021):
• Landfill-gas:
o capacity of up to 500 kW: EUR ct. 7.69 per kWh and
o capacity of up to 5 MW: EUR ct. 5.33 per kWh.
• Sewage-gas:
o capacity of up to 500 kW: EUR ct. 6.11 per kWh and
o capacity of up to 5 MW: EUR ct. 5.33 per kWh.
• For landfill and sewage gas, the values are decreasing by 1.5 percent annually and from the final value, EUR ct. 0.2 per kWh must be subtracted (§ 53 EEG 2021).
• Biogas form manure:
o capacity of up to 500 kW: EUR ct. 22.23 per kWh and
o capacity of up to 5 MW: EUR ct. 5.33 per kWh.
• Biogas from organic waste:
o capacity of up to 500 kW: EUR ct. 14.3 per kWh and
o capacity of up to 20 MW: EUR ct. 12.52.
• For gas from manure or organic waste, the values are decreasing by 0.5 percent annually.
Hydropower (§ 40 par. 1 EEG 2021): EUR ct. 4.16 – 12.15 per kWh - depending on the maximum capacity and decreasing by 0.5 percent annually. From the final value, EUR ct. 0.2 per kWh must be subtracted (§ 53 EEG 2021).
Biomass (§ 42 EEG 2021): EUR ct. 12.9 for plants with a capacity of up to 150 kWh. From the final value, EUR ct. 0.2 per kWh must be subtracted ((§ 53 EEG 2021).
For the electricity plants that are older than 20 years, the same tariff levels apply. However, EUR ct. 0.4 per kWh and a flat rate set by the grid operator are subtracted. If the plant is equipped with a smart measuring system, the subtracted value is divided by 2 (§ 53 par 2 EEG 2021)


Addressees are operators of eligible plants generating electricity from renewable energy sources (§ 3 par. 2 and § 19 par. 1 EEG 2021).


No formal application process is defined by law. The EEG excludes the precondition of a contract between the grid operator and the plant operator (§ 7 EEG 2021).

Competent authority

The competent authority for implementation is the Federal Grid Agency (§ 85 par. 1 EEG 2021). A Clearing Office acts as an arbitrator (§ 81 EEG 2021).


Wind energy onshore


Wind energy offshore
Solar energy


Geothermal energy



Biogas is eligible for the feed in tariff and is defined as any gas obtained through anaerobic fermentation (§§ 19 and 3 EEG 2021). Biogas plant operators producing electricity from landfill waste and sewage must fulfill the requirements of a highly efficient heat and power cogeneration (§ 44b EEG 2021).
Biogas and biomass plants must further provide an input-material diary ((§ 44c par. 2 EEG 2021)




Biomass is defined in the Biomass Directive (BiomasseV 2001). Biomass plants must fulfill the requirements of a highly efficient heat and power cogeneration, except if they can prove that it would not be economically feasible (§ 44c par. 3 EEG 2021). Biomass plants with a capacity of more than 50 MW, must have a net efficiency of 36 percent or a Rated Thermal Input of at most 100 MW ((§ 44c par. 4 EEG 2021).
Biogas and biomass plants must further provide an input-material diary ((§ 44c par. 2 EEG 2021)