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Training programmes for Installers of RES and Energy Efficiency installations (Apprenticeship)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    • HwO 2021
    • InstallateurHeizungsbauerMstrV 2011
    • SHKAMAusbV 2016
    • BBiG 2021
    • EDL-G 2020
  2. Summary

    The apprenticeship program to become an installer for sanitary, heating and air conditioning system and technologies is standardized on the federal level (HwO 2021). Future installers must pass the final apprenticeship exam to practice the profession (§ 7b HwO 2021). The details for the apprenticeship are described in an own directive (SHKAMAusbV 2016). The next step for installers is traditionally the Masters exam (InstallateurHeizungsbauerMstrV 2011). It entitles crafts men and women to be self-employed and open their own business. In that case the business must be listed in the craftsmen register (§ 10 HwO 2021). Further training, e.g., on solar thermal energy is provided from the Chamber of Trades and Crafts.
    These and similar qualifications are also needed to be eligible for providing energy audits. The requirements are defined in §8b EDL-G 2020.

  3. Addressees

    Natural persons who are willing to become craftsmen or craftswomen.

  4. Competent authority

    Chamber of Trades and Crafts, Federal Ministry of Education, BMWi