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Clean energy for EU islands

Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

  • Guideline on the promotion of energy advice for residential buildings
  • Guideline "Energy Advice For Non-residential Buildings, Installations And Systems"KStG 2003

Description of support scheme

Organisations in Germany can benefit from a subsidised energy consulting for non-residential buildings, installations, and systems.
Moreover, house owners of at least 10 year old buildings can benefit from an energy consulting from eligible consultants before renovating a house to make it more energy efficient. ( Guideline on the promotion of energy advice for residential buildings, para. 6)


For non-residential buildings following amounts are envisioned:
• Renovation plan along DIN V 18599: 80 % of the costs, up to EUR 8,000;
• Energy Audit along DIN EN16247: 80%, up to EUR 6,000-10,000 depending on the energy consumption;
• Contracting Orientation: 80%, up to EUR 7,000-10,000 depending on the energy consumption. (§ 8 Guideline "Energy Advice For Non-residential Buildings, Installations And Systems")
For residential buildings 80 % of the costs, at most EUR 1,300 for detached and semi-detached houses, EUR 1.700 for residential buildings with three or more units can be covered. For a multi-residential building, EUR 500 can be received additionally for a consultancy at the owners’ meeting.


For non-residential buildings municipalities, regional authorities (Landkreise), charitable organisations (Gemeinnützigkeit) (§ 5 KStG 2003), cultural organisations, SMEs having a headquarter and their operations in Germany, businesses with a maximum energy consumption of 500,000kWh, freelancers in Germany are eligible. (§ 6 Guideline "Energy Advice For Non-residential Buildings, Installations And Systems")
For residential building house owners, owners’ associations, tenants and leaseholders aiming to renovate their at least 10-year-old building are eligible.


Applicants must apply through the BAFA Online-Portal indicating the energy consultant and what other “de minimis subsidies” the applicant has received in the past. The energy consultancy must be done at latest 12 months after reception of the confirmation. (§ 9, EBN-Richtlinie 2020)
For residential buildings the application is done by the energy consulting firm before the starting the consulting via the online platform of the BAFA.

Competent authority





Energy production
Public sector