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Clean energy for EU islands
  • Regulatory information
  • Permits and Authorisation Processes

Administrative authorization process

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source

    • Code de l’environment
    • Code de l’urbanisme
    • Code forestier
  2. Description of the process

    Onshore wind:
    • Onshore wind farms of at least one wind turbine generator with 50 m mast or higher, or turbines higher than 20 m but lower than 50 m with at least 20 MW capacity, are submitted to the integrated permitting regime for environmental authorization since 2017. With this simplified procedure, the Prefect grants several authorisations:
    o Authorisation to operate ‘classified facilities for the protection of the environment’ (installations classées pour la protection de l'environnement - ICPE) (art. L511-1, Code de l’Environnement);
    o Authorisation for wood clearing (art. L213-13 et L.341-3 Code forestier);
    o Exemption to the prohibition against destruction of protected species (art. L411-2 Code de l’Environnement);
    o Absence of opposition to the projects that might impact Natura 2000 sites (art.
    o L414-4 Code de l’Environnement);
    o Special authorisation to carry out works in an area classified as natural reserve (réserve naturelle) (art. L. 332-6 and L. 332-9 Code de l’Environnement);
    o Authorisation to carry out works in a classified site (site classé) (art. L. 341-7 et L. 341-10);
    o Electricity production licence (art. L311-1 Code de l’Energie);
    o Approval for the construction of transmission and distribution facilities (art. L323-11 Code de l’Energie).
    • The wind installation project must also undergo an environmental impact assessment and a hazard study.
    Ground-mounted PV:
    • Town planning procedures: a building permit is necessary for installation of more than 250 kWp, whose application is submitted to the Municipality. This procedure includes:
    o Location plan of the land (art. R. 431-7 a Code de l’Urbanisme);
    o Graphical document showing how the project fits into its environment (art. R. 431-10 c Code de l’Urbanisme);
    o Notice describing the land and presenting the project (art. R. 431-8 Code de l’Urbanisme);
    o Impact study of the project as defined by the Environmental Code (art. R. 431-16 a Code de l’Urbanisme).
    o Furthermore, the conditions for an ABF opinion apply in case the PV installation is located within 500 m of a listed building.
    • Environmental procedures:
    o According to Art. R122-3 and Art. R122-20, Code de l’Environnement, an environmental impact study is required for ground-mounted PV plants with a capacity higher than 250 kWp.
    o According to Art. R122-20, Code de l’Environnement, all plants located in a ‘Natura 2000’ area are subject to an environmental impact study.
    o According to art. R 122-3, Code de l’Environnement, plants located in flood risk zones and wetlands must submit additional information.
    o According to Art. 123-8, Code de l’Environnement, a public enquiry is required for ground-mounted PV plants with a capacity higher than 250 kWp, which includes the environmental impact study and the opinion of the local Regional Department for the Environment, Development and Housing (Directions Régionales de l'Aménagement et du Logement – DREAL).
    Rooftop PV:
    • For existing buildings: according to Art. R.421-17 and Art. *R421-13, Code de l’urbanisme, PV installations require a prior declaration procedure.
    • For new buildings: according to Art. *R421-1, Code de l’Urbanisme, the PV project has to be integrated in the standard building permit procedure.
    • New buildings with floor area larger than 1000 m² must include a renewable energy or vegetation system. At least 30% of roofs and shades must be covered by these systems. According to Art. L111-18-1, Code de l’Urbanisme, this measure applies to the following types of project:
    o new buildings subject to a commercial permit;
    o new constructions of industrial or craft premises, warehouses, hangars not open to the public and subject to a commercial operation;
    o new covered car parks accessible to the public.
    • Furthermore, the conditions for an ABF opinion apply in case the PV installation is located within 500 m of a listed building.

  3. Competent authority

    Development and Housing (Directions Régionales de l'Aménagement et du Logement – DREAL)

  4. Technologies

    Wind energy onshore


    Wind energy offshore
    Solar energy


    Solar Thermal
    Geothermal energy
    Geothermal energy