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Decree 498/2018
Energy Authority holds an annual auction for financial support for alternative-fuel vehicle charging infrastructure. The technologies covered by this support mechanism are e-vehicles and gas vehicles.
Eligible addressees submit their electronic applications through a specific form to the Energy Authority, who will review the applications and decide on which projects to grant support for. The Energy Authority assesses all applications on equal basis according to the rating criteria stated in art. 10 Decree 498/2018.
The maximum amount of support is 35% for high-power charging infrastructure and 30% for other charging infrastructure. Pilot technologies can receive an additional support of 10 percentage points (art. 12 Decree 498/2018).
The auction call is open for applications for the month of April in 2021. The 2021 call will prioritise gas charging stations, public transport charging stations, and high-power charging infrastructure.
The financial support is paid to the recipient after the constructed infrastructure has been commissioned (art. 13 Decree 498/2018). -
Municipalities, companies and other communities
Competent authority
Energy Authority