Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
- Act 1396/2010
- Decree 1397/2010
Description of support scheme
Producers of electricity from wind, biogas and biomass receive a variable premium tariff on top of the wholesale electricity price for a period of 12 years. The generators get a fixed target price for their electricity.
The premium tariff system is currently being phased out step by step. Since 2017, wind power has not been eligible, and biogas and biomass plants have not been eligible since 2019 or 2021 depending on the type of fuel they use. In other words, only the plants already approved to the premium tariff system continue to receive support for the period of 12 years they are entitled to since their admission. -
The premium tariff is equal to the difference between the fixed target price and the average market price of the previous three months. However, if the market price for the previous three months is below 30 €, the premium will be fixed at target price minus € 30 (Art 25 Act 1396/2010).
Wind energy: The target price is € 83.5 per MWh (Art 23 Act 1396/2010).
Biogas: The target price is € 83.5 per MWh (Art 23 Act 1396/2010).
Plants that qualify for the heat bonus receive € 50 per MWh on top of the target price (Art 26 Act 1396/2010).
Biomass: The target price is € 83.5 per MWh for electricity from wood fuels (Art 23 Act 1396/2010). The premium tariff allocated to electricity and CHP plants working on wood chips is variable and is calculated according to the cost-effectiveness of peat and wood-chips in power production; the applicable taxation to peat and the emissions allowance costs applicable on the market (Art 25 Act 1396/2010). The exact figures taken as a basis for calculating the premium tariff are provided in article 4 of the Decree 1397/2010.
Plants that qualify for the heat bonus receive € 20 per MWh on top of the target price (Art 26 Act 1396/2010). -
Producers who use wind, biogas, wood chips or wood fuels for the generation of electricity and whose plant is connected to the grid and located in Finland or in Finnish waters are entitled to receive the premium tariff (Arts 6-7 Act 1396/2010).
A given producer shall apply to the Energy Authority for the premium tariff. All applications except applications regarding wood-chip plants must be submitted before the plant starts commercial operation. The application must contain certain information specified by law (Art 14 Act 1396/2010). The Energy Authority awards a premium tariff if the applicant meets the formal and technical requirements (Art 15 Act. 1396/2010).
NB: The premium tariff system has been closed from all new applicants since February 2021. -
Competent authority
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment; Energy Authority