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Energy efficiency measure (Energy Surveys)

Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

  • Act 1429/2014

Description of support scheme

The Act 1429/2015 obliges large companies to conduct an energy survey every four years, determining the company’s energy consumption profile and identifying energy efficiency measures necessary to reduce energy consumption (Art 6, Act 1429/2015). The survey is conducted by a person with at least a Bachelor’s level degree in the field of technology, environment or energy, or at least three years of work experience in a relevant field in an expert position (art 4 Act 1429/2014). Furthermore, the person has to have passed the official energy surveyor test organised by the Finnish Energy Authority (art 5 Act 1429/2014).
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and municipalities can conduct similar surveys on a voluntary basis.
The mandatory, unsubsidised energy surveys of large companies are managed and monitored by the Energy Authority (Art 12, Act 1429/2015).


Municipalities and SMEs


The surveys assess the energy consumption patterns and energy saving opportunities, and they include a separate set of instructions on how to carry out the measures. Motiva is the competent authority for the practical matters concerning the voluntary energy surveys, including instructions, monitoring, surveyor training, and other relevant activities. The Ministry of Employment and Economy supports the voluntary surveys financially with the condition of complying with the implementation instructions.

Competent authority

  • Motiva
  • Ministry of Employment and Economy
  • Energy Authority


Energy production

Relevant for companies

Public sector

Relevant for public sector