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Biofuel quota (name of means of promotion)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)


  2. Description of support scheme

    All fuel retailing companies and suppliers are obliged to fulfil a defined quota of biofuel out of their total sales, which is 10% since 1 January 2020.

  3. Amount of quota and period of application

    The biofuel requirement in liquid fuels came into force on 2018 and since that, the required share of biofuels has steadily increased: since 1 May 2018 3.1%; since 1 April 2019 6.4%; since 1 January 2020 10%.

  4. Addressees

    Fuel retailers and suppliers

  5. Procedure

    The Liquid Fuel Act sets that the energy content of biofuels in the total energy content of petrol, diesel and biofuel released for consumption must include as a weighted average for a calendar year, 10 percent by the end of that calendar year. By the 15th day of every month, the fuel supplier has to present to the Environmental Board a monthly report, in which it states the quantities of petrol, diesel and biofuel that were released for consumption during the previous calendar month, and the corresponding total energy content data (Art 2 VKS).

  6. Competent authority

    • MKM
    • Environmental Board
  7. Technologies


    Motor petrol nr. 98 is exempted from the biofuel quota. The biofuel has to meet the sustainability criteria established in accordance with the Atmospheric Air Protection Act.

    Electric vehicle