Abbreviated form of legal source
Aviation Act
Description of the process
Site selection is the first step towards a renewable energy project, including choosing, renting or buying the property for the planned renewable energy installation. The main thing project developers take into account here is 1) whether there are any defence or civil aviation restrictions and 2) how expensive it might be to connect to the grid as in Estonia, project developers have to bear the grid connection costs on their own, including costs for a complete grid upgrade, if an installation is planned in an area where the electricity grid capacity is lacking. For the latter, project developers usually are in contact with the DSO with enquiries, however, that is not mandatory per se.
It is important to be in contact with the local municipality from the start in order to map out whether they would be open to the idea of a renewable energy installation to be built on their territory. Without the municipality’s approval, it will be impossible to enter into the spatial planning stage. However, there are no set deadlines for this process step.
Additional steps are required in the case of wind energy: The Estonian defence forces assess whether planned wind farms could disturb military radar and radio communication systems. If this is the case, they will withhold their approval or require lower turbines. Regarding the defence restrictions (approval needed from the Estonian Ministry of Defence), the Ministry of Defence has released a map which outlines the municipalities and areas where it is possible to plan wind energy installations (available here: https://adr.rik.ee/mkm/fail/6956055/subfile/0). In addition to the Ministry of Defence, approval from the Transport Administration is required for wind turbines (art. 35 Aviation Act). -
Competent authority
- Ministry of Defence
- Transport Administration
- Local municipalities