Abbreviated form of legal source
- Grid Code
- Guide to Connecting to National TSO
Description of the process
In Estonia, there is no grid connection permit process as such. All renewable power installations can be connected to the grid, provided they fulfil the technical requirements and pay for grid connection according to the payment system in place, which is based on the length of the connection. However, if TSO deems the network enhancements for the connection of a renewable energy installation to the grid at a particular location to be necessary, the cost of these needs also to be paid by the project developer.
The application for grid connection has to be submitted to the TSO Elering. After submitting the application for grid connection, the process unfolds in the following steps:
• acceptance of the application
• entering grid connection agreement
• building the connection point
• supplying electricity
• synchronising
• testing and
• final grid connection contract. The final grid connection contract requires that the testing period has been successfully completed, the production unit has received the certificate of conformity to the grid code and the production unit models have been verified (Guide to Connecting to National TSO).
Installations which do not need an electricity production licence (as set out in art. 22 of the Electricity Market Act) – referring to small-scale installations mainly with a net capacity of up to 200 kW – can be connected either to the transmission or distribution grid (art. 19 Grid Code). -
Competent authority
- TSO Elering
- DSOs