Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
RE Act
Description of support scheme
Offshore wind established following an unsolicited application procedure – the so-called “open-door” procedure - as well as onshore wind and solar PV have since 2018 been supported with fixed feed-in premiums awarded through annual technology neutral tenders.
Since 2020 these tenders have also included wave power and hydroelectric power and the support model applied has been a Contract for Difference scheme. So far, tenders have been agreed on only until 2021, but funds have been reserved for tenders until 2024 (§ 50d RE Act, Climate Agreement 2020). -
Auctioned volume
Support type
Sliding feed-in premium (also called Contracts for Difference – CfD)
All developers of new RES projects applying the covered technologies. Developers must among other things declare that they are not in financial difficulty and do not have unpaid due debt of 100,000 DKK (approx. 13,400 EUR) or more to public authorities.
The tenders do not cover installations for self-consumption and installations where work on the project has already started (Technology Neutral Tender 2020 tender material). -
There is no prequalification or initial bidding round. Developers wishing to participate in the tender may submit a bid within a specific date. The bid must i.a. include a binding single bid-price, a description of the project including the installed capacity, different declarations i.a. concerning the financial status, and, depending on technology, relevant documentation i.a. adopted planning and EIA approval. Bids may include one or more installations of the same or different technologies and locations. A developer may also make several bids.
After the tender deadline DEA will assess the bids and accept the lowest within the tender budget. Thereafter agreements are signed for the winning bids (Technology Neutral Tender 2020 tender material). -
Competent authority