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  • Electricity support

Premium tariff (Depreciated Biomass Installations)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    RE Act

  2. Description of support scheme

    Until April 2019 electricity production from solid biomass was supported with a premium tariff of 0.02 EUR/kWh (0.15 DKK/kWh). By applying before this date, existing non-depreciated installations could continue receiving a premium tariff in the depreciation period.
    Existing depreciated installation were instead given the option to apply for a premium tariff based on the excess costs of using biomass instead of a fossil reference. No application deadline applies for this scheme. The premium tariff may be granted for up to four years at a time, but only until 10 years from 29 June 2019 (§§ 45a and b RE Act).

  3. Amount

    The premium tariff is calculated based on the difference between operating costs using biomass and operating costs using an alternative fossil reference. If the calculation results in a negative value (i.e., that the fossil fuels are more expensive than the biomass) then the support is set to zero. A price ceiling of 0.015 EUR/kWh (0.11 DKK/kWh) applies.
    In 2020 the premium tariff was 0.011 EUR/kWh (0.08 DKK/kWh) for wood pellets and 0.0 EUR/kWh (0.0 DKK/kWh) for other types of biomass (support set to zero since this type of biomass is already cheaper than a fossil fuel alternative) (§ 45b RE Act).

  4. Addressees

    The premium tariff is available to existing biomass installations that are not eligible to continue receiving the former premium tariff of 0.02 EUR/kWh (0.15 DKK/kWh) because they are already depreciated. The installation must have begun producing electricity for the grid from biomass before 1 April 2019 (§ 45b RE Act).

  5. Procedure

    An application form must be filled out and sent by email to DEA (§ 45b RE Act).

  6. Competent authority


  7. Technologies

    Wind energy onshore
    Wind energy offshore
    Solar energy
    Geothermal energy

    Only depreciated installations are eligible