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Clean energy for EU islands
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  • Electricity support

Loan (loan guarantees for local projects)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    RE Act

  2. Description of support scheme

    Local owner associations and initiative groups wishing to establish wind turbines or solar PV, hydro-power or wave-power installations can apply to DEA for guarantees for loans covering feasibility studies. Applications can be sent continuously as long as funds are available (§ 21 RE Act).

  3. Amount

    Within a total budget of EUR 1.3 million (DKK 10 million) guarantees can be issued by DEA according to the amount available at any given time. The maximum guarantee amount per project is EUR 67,235 (DKK 500,000) (§ 21 RE Act).

  4. Addressees

    To be eligible, a local owner associations or initiative group must have at least 10 members. The majority of these must be residents in the municipality in which the RES installation is to be constructed or live within 4.5 kilometres from the building site. In case of offshore wind turbines, the relevant municipality coastline must be located within 16 km from the site. The scheme does not cover installations for self-consumption (§ 21 RE Act).

  5. Procedure

    An application form must be filled oud and sent by email or post to DEA. The application must include i.a. a description of the project and planned feasibility studies and documentation concerning the eligibility requirements.
    If sufficient funds are available the guarantee will be issued by DEA. The guarantee expires when the installation is connected to the grid, but in the case of wind turbines, no later than three months after the blades have been mounted (§ 21 RE Act).

  6. Competent authority


  7. Technologies

    Wind energy onshore


    Wind energy offshore

    Only offshore wind established following an unsolicited application procedure – the so-called “open-door” procedure.

    Solar energy


    Geothermal energy

    Eligible including wave-power
