Abbreviated form of legal source
- Executive Order on Grid Connection of RES Installations
- Executive Order on Grid Connection of Wind Turbines
Description of the process
Onshore wind, ground-mounted and rooftop solar PV
In Denmark, grid connection is a private agreement between the project developer and the DSO or TSO. The DSO or TSO is however obligated to connect a plant to the public grid if the requirements of the Executive Order on Grid Connection of RES Installations are fulfilled. Costs related to the connection from the plant until the connection point are borne by plant owner, while the costs related to reinforcing or extending the public grid are borne by the DSO or TSO (§§ 2-6 Executive Order on Grid Connection of RES Installations).
A project developer wishing to connect a larger renewable energy plant must contact the local DSO who, if needed together with the TSO, will determine the connection point. The DSO or TSO must choose the connection point that results in the lowest total connection costs. This process will usually run in parallel with the planning process, see above. When the local plan for the project has been adopted the agreement process is initiated. The developer must provide a bank guarantee covering the costs borne by the DSO or TSO whereafter the grid connection agreement will be drafted and signed (§§ 3-4 Executive Order on Grid Connection of RES Installations).
When connecting a small installation for self-consumption usually the electrical installer that handles the installation for the owner will send a registration to the relevant DSO. Installations with a capacity of less than 50 kW may be included in so-called positive lists, which include generating units and inverters that are considered to comply with the technical requirements.
When the DSO has approved the registration, the electrical installer may connect the installation.
Offshore wind
Grid connection of offshore wind turbines under the open-door procedure, is done according to the same rules and procedures as described above.
Grid connection of offshore wind turbines under the tender procedure is regulated by the Executive Order on Grid Connection of Wind Turbines, which is essentially similar to the rules described above.
The tender material includes a draft grid connection agreement which must be signed within a few months from the concession agreement. Thereafter, work on the grid connection will run in parallel with the administrative procedure and later the construction of the wind farm (Thor Wind Farm tender material). -
Competent authority
- DSOs