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Exemplary role of public authorities (Energy efficient public institutions)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    Circular on energy efficiency in the State’s institutions

  2. Summary

    Public institutions are obliged to reach an energy saving goal of 42,480 MWh by 2030, compared to 2020 levels. The circular provides some requirements for energy efficient behaviour (§9 Circular on energy efficiency in the State’s institutions) as well as that the Ministries make the buildings that they use more energy efficient (§§13-18 Circular on energy efficiency in the State’s institutions). The individual ministries must document to the Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities their energy use per year (§10 Circular on energy efficiency in the State’s institutions).

  3. Addressees

    The policy is addressed to all Danish ministries, as well as their departments and agencies.

  4. Competent authority
