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Biofuel quota (Min. Decree 11/2020)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    Min. Decree 11/2020

  2. Description of support scheme

    Min. Decree 11/2020 obliges fuel suppliers obliges producers and distributors of petrol and diesel to blend their fuels with a certain amount ("quota") of biofuels.

  3. Amount of quota and period of application

    The min. percentage of biofuels blend is set at 7.3% (art.4 par.1 Min, Decree 11/2020). It concerns annual fuel sales (art.4 par.4 Min, Decree 11/2020).

  4. Addressees

    Fuel suppliers (art.4 par.1 Min, Decree 11/2020).

  5. Procedure

    The quantities of biofuels mixed with conventional fuels by each supplier are calculated on the basis of the respective annual sales of conventional fuels and biofuels as demonstrated by the supplier (art.4 par.3 Min, Decree 11/2020).
    Suppliers shall complete and send to MECI a monthly sales Report. In addition, all relevant certificates proving compliance with the sustainability criteria of biofuels should be submitted (art..7 Min, Decree 11/2020).
    Each supplier has the right to transfer surplus biofuels in one period to cover deficits created in any other period within the same year (art.4 par.5 Min, Decree 11/2020).
    Furthermore, biofuels produced from waste, residues, non-edible cellulosic materials and lignocellulosic materials are double-counted (art.5 Min, Decree 11/2020).

  6. Competent authority


  7. Technologies



    Electric vehicle