Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
● Energy Efficiency- Upgrading of Domestic Buildings 2021
● Min. Decree 815/2015 -
Description of support scheme
Under the Energy Efficiency - Upgrading of Domestic Buildings 2021, the purchase and installation of rooftop PV with capacity up to 10 kW in the domestic sector is supported. All installed rooftop-PV installations under this scheme will be connected under a net-billing scheme, a type of net-metering scheme. The current 2021 call is open for new applications until 18 December 2021.
In general, a subsidy of EUR 500/kW is foreseen. For vulnerable customers the level of support rises to EUR 950/kW (Annex 1 Energy Efficiency- Upgrading of Domestic Buildings 2021).
Natural persons located in Cyprus are eligible for support. With regard to buildings, mainly single-family houses, their owners i.e., applicants should have issued a construction license prior to 01 January 2017 (Chapter 7 Energy Efficiency- Upgrading of Domestic Buildings 2021). Vulnerable customers are considered the recipients of “minimum guaranteed income” and other welfare allowances (Min. Decree 815/2015).
Interested applicants submit electronically an application to MECI. MECI examines the application and if approved a Public Financing Agreement is signed. The applicant purchases the rooftop PV installation and submits all necessary documents so as to receive the subsidy. MECIT validates the documents and pays off the sum to the applicant. In any case, the purchase and installation should be realised within 12 months (Chapter 14 Energy Efficiency- Upgrading of Domestic Buildings 2021).
Competent authority