Abbreviated form of legal source
● Order 2/2006
● Circular 3/2008
● Circular 2019 -
Description of the process
In general, the plant developer should consider specific planning restrictions. Order 2/2006 stipulates certain provisions to limit the potential negative impact of RES on the environment and neighbouring land uses. More specifically, onshore wind or ground-mounted PV installations cannot be constructed within the limits of a Development Area (e.g., commercial, touristic and residential land use zones), in archaeological areas, in Natural 2000 sites, in Environmental Conservation Areas, in Special Protection Areas and in a public forest.
In addition, art. 4.2 Order 2/2006 foresees that onshore wind projects should be located at least 850m from the boundaries of a defined Development Land Use Zone, at least 300m from Environmental Conservation Areas (Natura 2000 sites, Special Protected Areas), and at least 500m from migratory flyways and archaeological sites.
Apart from that, according to Circular 2019 ground-mounted PV should be installed at a safe distance from the other land uses limited, as these are defined in the Local Development Plans (without defining “safe distance”). In any case, ground-mounted PV installations are prohibited on irrigated lands, land reclamation areas or high-yield agricultural fields.
Finally, Circular 3/2008 contains specific technical requirements for rooftop PV systems, such as size and slope of the system. -
Competent authority
● Municipal/ Local Planning Authorities