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Subsidy (Public call for co-financing of energy efficient vehicles)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    FZOE Act
    Statute of the FZOE
    Energy Efficiency Act

  2. Description of support scheme

    Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (FZOEU, Fond za zaštitu okoliša i energetsku učinkovitost) is offering co-financing for the purchase of energy efficient vehicles. Co-financing is available only for new vehicles from the following categories:
    L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7 category electric vehicles;
    M1 category electric, plug-in hybrid, or hydrogen vehicles;
    M2, M3, N1, N2, N3 category electric, plug-in hybrid, CNG, LNG, or hydrogen vehicles.
    The following standards are applied with respect to eligible vehicle emissions:
    Electric vehicles - 0 g/km of CO2 emissions;
    M1 category plug-in hybrid vehicles - maximum of 50 g/km of CO2 emissions;
    Hydrogen vehicles - 0 g/km of CO2 emissions.
    The call for co-financing does not apply to electric bicycles.
    The call shall be open either until the end of the calendar year 2021 or until awarding of all funds, whichever condition is satisfied first.
    Physical persons are eligible for co-financing of one vehicle purchase, while legal entities are eligible for co-financing of purchase of one or more vehicles.
    Funds are awarded as a grant (non-repayable financial incentive) and a de minimis aid in accordance with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid.
    Currently, only the call for private citizens and the private sector is open, while the call intended for the public sector is going to be open mid-July.

  3. Amount

    The total amount of allocated funds for this call is 90,000000.00 HRK (ca.12,000,000.00 EUR).
    Physical persons are eligible for co-financing of one vehicle purchase, with a limitation of either 40% of the vehicle cost or absolute amounts per vehicle categories prescribed in the call.
    For physical persons, this is a maximum of 20,000.00 HRK (ca.2,665.00 EUR) for L1-L7 category of electric vehicles, 70,000.00 HRK (ca.9,335.00 EUR) for M1 category of electric vehicles, 40,000.00 HRK (ca.5,330.00 EUR) for M1 category of plug-in hybrid vehicles, and 70,000.00 HRK (ca.9,335.00 EUR) for M1 category of hydrogen vehicles.
    Legal entities are eligible for co-financing of the purchase of one or more vehicles, with a limitation of either 40% of the vehicle cost or absolute amounts per vehicle categories prescribed in the call.
    For legal entities, this is a maximum of 20,000.00 HRK (ca.2,665.00 EUR) for L1-L7 category of electric vehicles, 70,000.00 HRK (ca.9,335.00 EUR) for M1 category of electric vehicles, 40,000.00 HRK (ca.5,334.00 EUR) for M1 category of plug-in hybrid vehicles, 70,000.00 HRK (ca.9,335.00 EUR) for M1 category of hydrogen vehicles, 40,000.00 HRK (ca.5,330.00 EUR) for N1 category of plug-in hybrid vehicles, and 70,000.00 HRK (ca.9,335.00 EUR) for N1 category of electric, CNG, LNG, or hydrogen vehicles. For M2, M3, N2, N3 electric, plug-in hybrid, CNG, LNG, or hydrogen vehicles no maximum absolute amount is prescribed – only the limitation of 40% of the vehicle cost applies.

  4. Addressees

    Addressees are physical persons (private citizens or craftsmen or sole traders) and legal entities (companies, institutions not in the public sector, and certain NGOs).

  5. Procedure

    Applications can be made solely to pre-authorized vehicle dealerships for pre-authorized vehicle models.
    Pre-authorization has been made on the basis of the public ‘Call for expression of interest for manufacturers or dealerships of motor vehicles’, published by the FZOEU on 10th May 2021 with the purpose of designating purchase points and vehicle models before publication of the call for co-financing in order to streamline the application and disbursement procedure.
    To obtain co-financing, the buyer has to contact a pre-authorized dealership which makes an application for reservation of funds to the FZOEU in the buyer’s name. The prospective buyer then has to make a down payment in the minimum amount of 7% of requested funds to prove a legitimate interest in buying a vehicle and using the co-financing. If the prospective buyer does not make the down payment in 8 days, it is considered that the prospective buyer has quit the procedure to obtain co-financing for the purchase of the vehicle and his application is deleted.
    The buyer then has to sign a contract on direct co-financing for the purchase of a vehicle with the FZOEU. The deadline for the purchase of the vehicle is 9 months from receiving of the contract by the buyer through registered mail.
    The buyer has to remain an owner/user of the co-financed vehicle in the period of at least 2 years since the first registration of the vehicle, which is subject to inspection.

  6. Competent authority

    Fond za zaštitu okoliša i energetsku učinkovitost (FZOEU)

  7. Technologies

    Electric vehicle


