Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
RES Support Regulation
RES Support Quota Regulation
Tender No. 1/2020 -
Description of support scheme
A feed-in premium (FIP) is awarded only through a public tender published at least once a year by HROTE (the Croatian Energy Market Operator, Hrvatski operator tržišta energije). The first one of its kind, since legislative changes in 2016, was published in November 2020. The same tender was published for awarding of both the FIT and FIP.
The FIP is implemented as a top-up to the current market price of electricity (tržišna premija) (Art. 30 et seq. of the RES Act). This can be described as a one-sided sliding feed-in premium (CfD, Contract for Difference). The CfD mandates a floor price, while there is no cap price.
All bidders submit their bids at the same time and cannot change them afterwards. Every bid is a different and a unique project competing against other projects at locations which are not pre-defined by the call.
The amount of the reference value (price) in the bid of the investor for the award of the market premium (FIP) may not exceed the maximum reference value defined for that group of production facilities published in the public invitation.
Detailed prerequisites for the bidders are given in the public tender.
There are currently no public tenders open for awarding of the FIP in Croatia, but HROTE has to publish the tender at least once a year, as mentioned previously. -
Auctioned volume
Installed capacity
Support type
Sliding feed-in premium (also called Contracts for Difference – CfD)
Physical or legal persons engaged in production of electricity from eligible sources with a pre-defined installed power.
HROTE publishes a public tender at least once a year for interested parties to apply for awarding of the FIP. Detailed prerequisites for the bidders are given in the public tender.
After the selection process is completed, HROTE publishes a list of all winning bids.
Selected bidders should gain the status of a privileged electricity producer (povlašteni proizvođač električne energije) for the duration of their contract with HROTE. The status of the privileged electricity producer is acquired by a decision of the Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA, Hrvatska energetska regulatorna agencija). Contracts are concluded for a period of 12 years. -
Competent authority
Hrvatski operator tržišta energije (HROTE)
Hrvatska energetska regulatorna agencija (HERA) -