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Heating & Cooling support - Building obligations

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    Building Act
    Technical regulation on energy economy and heat retention in buildings
    Long-term Strategy for National Building Stock Renovation by 2050
    Charter of Decarbonisation of the National Building Stock by 2050
    Plan for increasing the number of nZEBs by 2020
    Programme for promotion of nZEBs
    2010 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

  2. Summary

    All new buildings, for which a location permit or a building permit is issued after 31st December 2019, must adhere to the nZEB (nearly zero energy building) standard.
    All new buildings used by public authorities, for which a location permit or a building permit is issued after 31st December 2017, must adhere to the nZEB standard.

  3. Obligated entities

    Private citizens, legal entities, and public authorities

  4. Competent authority

    Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets