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By-laws of HBOR
Decision on General Terms and Conditions of HBOR Lending Activities

Description of support scheme

The ‘ESIF Energy Efficiency in Public Sector Buildings’ is one of the lending instruments of the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR). It serves public entities which have obtained a Decision on Financing under the Invitation to Submit Project Proposals (Invitation for “Energy Renovation and Use of Renewable Energy Sources in Public Sector Buildings”) for the Specific Goal 4c1 “Reduction of Energy Consumption in Public Sector Buildings” from the national Operational programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020.
Purpose of the loan is the completion of funding plans for projects to be implemented by grant beneficiaries.
Implementation of the loan is available only directly through HBOR.
Applications are accepted from 31st January 2018 onwards, while disbursement (giving out the loan) is possible until 30th June 2023.


The minimum amount of the loan is 100,000.00 HRK (ca.13,335.00 EUR), while the maximum amount is 60,000,000.00 HRK (ca.8,000,000.00 EUR).
The interest rate is from 0.10% to 0.50%, determined in accordance with the degree of development of the area of investment. All particularities are further explained in the call.
Under this loan programme, borrowers are exempt from paying all fees that are usually charged on loans.
The repayment period is up to 14 years, including the grace period (12 months). The repayment can be done in equal monthly, three-monthly or semi-annual instalments.


Units of local or regional government (ULRG);
Public institutions or institutions engaged in social activities;
Government bodies, ministries, central government offices, state administrative organisations and state administration offices in counties;
Religious communities engaged in social activities;
Associations engaged in social activities with public powers regulated by special laws;
Where public institutions or institutions engaged in social activities have obtained a Decision on Financing from the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning, their founders are also eligible as borrowers.


Generally, the loan procedure includes a Loan application, proofs of awarding of funds from the grant programme, data on the investment, Security instruments for the loan, Statement on related entities, Questionnaire for legal entities, financial reports and other status documentation, Statement on the Use of Real Estate, ,etc.
The outline of the procedure is available on the webpage of the loan on the HBOR website (

Competent authority

Hrvatska banka za obnovu i razvitak (HBOR)




Energy production
Public sector
