CE4EUIslands Pledge - Croatian
This is the Croatian version of the Clean energy for EU islands Pledge that islands can sign to become part of the initiative.
This is the Croatian version of the Clean energy for EU islands Pledge that islands can sign to become part of the initiative.
This is the Greek version of the Clean energy for EU islands Pledge that islands can sign to become part of the initiative.
This is the Dutch version of the Clean energy for EU islands Pledge that islands can sign to become part of the initiative.
This is the French version of the Clean energy for EU islands Pledge that islands can sign to become part of the initiative.
This is the Italian version of the Clean energy for EU islands Pledge that islands can sign to become part of the initiative.
This is the Spanish version of the Clean energy for EU islands Pledge that islands can sign to become part of the initiative.
The Island Clean Energy Transition Agenda is a strategic roadmap for the transition process towards clean energy as desired by the stakeholders on the island. The proposed methodology is based on best practices and lessons learnt from transition management experiences in Europe to address climate change at a local level.